Star Crossed Lovers In The Blue

Book Name: Star Crossed Lovers In The Blue

Author: Rajesh Talwar

Genre: Fiction

"Star Crossed Lovers In The Blue" by Rajesh Talwar is a love story of a Mermaid, Utir and a Merman, Arj. They both meet each other by chance when Arj has gone on the Sea surface to see the outer world and watch the sun and Utir was also there and they both fall in love with each other. It was love at first sight. They both were planning to get married, but due to some family pressure, she agrees to an arranged marriage. After knowing about this sudden marriage Arj was left heartbroken, but he decides to give his best and make his career so that he could go and convince Utir to leave her husband and come back with him. He was going to meet Utir and convince her, but on his way to Cuba (Utir's in-law's place), he came to know about a deadly virus, Anoroc, and he also gets infected with that deadly virus. 

"Star Crossed Lovers In The Blue" by Rajesh Talwar has a very simple plotline and the language is also lucid which makes this beginner-friendly. If you are looking for something easy to read, then you must go for it it will surely lighten up your mood and you can read this probably in an hour or two. 

Whether Arj recovered from the deadly virus, Anoroc? Whether both lovers get to reunite? Whether Utir will leave her husband and came back with Arj? To know the answer to all these questions you have to read this book. Do read and don't forget to share your views in the comment section.


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