The Idiosyncrasies Of Life: Dualities
Book Name: The Idiosyncrasies Of Life: Dualities
Author: Rishabh Dubey 'Kridious'
Genre: Fiction
"The Idiosyncrasies Of Life: Dualities" by Rishabh Dubey 'Kridious' is divided into four fragments named Wordly Musings, An Unforgettable Pandemic, Fictional Realities, and Galacta Cantos (From Erekos: The Origin). These four fragments are now further divided between short stories and poems.
Worldly Musings has a collection of poems and some short stories which depict different shades of the author's life. There are six poems, and four short stories. Poems are named "The Seven Ages Of A Woman", "Shadows", "To Make Love", "Make a Wish", "Rhyme of Love", and "The Graceful World of Fish". Short stories are "A Memoir of Insomnia and Dream: Mumbai", "To Those Independent and Those Not", "An Unfortunate Learning", and "An Illuminating Experience".
"The Seven Ages of a Woman" talks about the women's life and their suffering right from birth to their death. How a woman is seen as a burden and neglected by society. How a woman is called a princess, but in disguise, she is a prisoner of her house. This poem was very heart touching and has described the suffering of women in a very subtle manner. "Shadows" talks about the LGBTQ Community and their suffering. How they are seen as other by society and not accepted in society. "To Make Love" talks about love and lust and tell us how love is beyond physical pleasure. "Make A wish" talks about the children battling the deadly virus Corona. "Rhyme of Love" talks about the love story and love. "The Graceful World of Fish" talks about killing marine organisms and tells us not to kill them as they too have a fish and they too have a beating heart. "A Memoir of Insomnia and Dreams: Mumbai" talks about the struggle of the narrator's life when he shifted to Mumbai and was trying to settle there. "To Those Independent... And Those not.." talks about the freedom of women's, freedom of the LGBTQ community, freedom of the pressed and the weaker section of the society. "An Unfortunate Learning" talks about the narrator's experience of his vacation in Goa. "An Illuminating Experience," tells us that how some person in spite of having capabilities and ability still could not achieve their goal because they don't get opportunities in their life.
An Unforgettable Pandemic consists of one poem based on Covid "Kovid Kavita" and two short stories inspired by the Pandemic, "Beyond The Pandemic: A Journey of Self-actualization", and "Last Hope".
"Kovid Kavita" talks about the Deadly virus that how due to our ignorance, it entered into an Indian Blood and then complete lockdown and due to the lockdown the MAZDUR suffered most, they lost their means of livelihood and had to return without any means of transportation to their family by walking. "Beyond The Pandemic: A Journey Of Self-Actualization" talks about the volunteers who took the initiative of feeding the poor class who have lost their means of livelihood. "Last Hope" is a fictional story based on a Pandemic.
Fictional Realities consist of two short stories, "Dualities", and "Love Shaddi".
"Dualities" is a story of a simple man Azhar Sheikh and a famous writer Ajay Srivastava. It shows the that how the daughters of Azhar sheikh loved the book written by Ajay Shrivastava and in truth, it was Azhar, who used to write these books and deliver them to Ajay to publish them in his name. "Love Shaddi" is a story of a Chamku Chandan who fall in love with a girl of another caste, and the girl also loved her so much, but the family of the girl fixed her arranged marriage. The result of the marriage was that the girl commits suicide and Chamku was left, heartbroken decides to help other couples marrying and he along with his friend, Sikander started helping others and in the end, Chamku came to know that his friend, Sikander is gay who loves him.
Galacta Cantos (From Erekos: The Origin) consist of three poems, "All Too Still", "The Foes Of Kronos", and "Galacta's Abode".
This was all about the plot of the book. Talking about my views of this book. I didn't like the book much, but I did like something from the book that's the Poems from the Worldly Musings. I liked the poems "The Seven Ages of A Woman", "Shadows", and "To Make Love".
If you have read this book before share your views in the comment section that what you liked in the book.