The Rebirth of Lilavati

Book Name: The Rebirth of Lilavati

Author: Parag Kulkarni

Genre: Fiction

"The Rebirth of Lilavati" by Parag Kulkarni revolves around Vikram, Sindhu and her obsession to be a mother. Sindhu was obsessed to give birth to a child, but she loses all her hopes when she came to know that Vikram is impotent. One day, they found a baby in a cradle at their gate, which someone left there intentionally. They both accepted the child by thinking it a God grace and the child was named Diya. Diya when grew up starting calling herself to be the incarnation of Lilavati, the daughter of a great mathematician and astronomer Bhaskarcharya. In the meantime, despite accepting Diya as her daughter, Sindhu's obsession to give birth to her child keeps on growing, which further led her towards downfall.

"The Rebirth of Lilavati" by Parag Kulkarni is full of mathematical and astronomical terms and explanations which at some places I felt like unnecessary details. The story felt like dragging in some places, but overall the story is a pack of suspense, which persuaded me to go further. I didn't like the story much, but if you are a fan of astronomy and mathematics then you must read this once.

Whether Diya was an Incarnation of Lilavati? Where would Sindhu's obsession lead her to? Whether Sindhu would be able to give birth to a child? Whether she is going to accept Diya as her daughter, after giving birth to her child? To know the answers to all of these questions, you need to read the book first.

Do read and don't forget to share your views in the comment section.


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