Almost Mortal

Book Name: Almost Mortal

Author: Christopher Leibig

Genre: Crime-Thriller

"Almost Mortal" by Christopher Leibig is a crime-thriller that revolves around the protagonist of the story Sam Young, a criminal defence lawyer. Samson has a psychic ability to read the minds of the people which gave him an edge over others. One day, Camille Paradisi, a nun of the Holy Angels Church, came to meet and told him that she and the father of the church, Father Andriana doubts that a psychopath serial killer, Rosslyn Ripper, came to confess in the church and also sends some confessional journals to the church. She hires him to help her find the serial killer, but the twist comes when Samson started thinking of the character of Camellia and father Andriana as shady. 

The plot is full of courtroom drama and suspense which will keep you hooked through the story. Initially, I felt the story was slow-paced and was not enjoying it much, but after completing half of the story, I started enjoying the story and was excited to finish off the book and to start the other book in this series that is Almost dammed. This crime thriller is like a roller coaster ride.

Whether Samson will be successful in finding the serial killer? Whether the journals were written by the serial killer only? Whether Camillia and Father Andriana are hiding something? What is going to be the result of investing in a case of a serial killer? To know the answer to all these questions, you need to read the first book.

Do read and don't forget to share your views in the comment section.


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