Girl In The Green Villa
Book Name: Girl In The Green Villa
Author: Yash Pawaskar
Genre: Fiction
"Girl In The Green Villa" by Yash Pawaskar is a short story of a married couple Viraj and Jhanak, who are going to spend weekends in a mason called Green Villa. Soon after going there something horrific happens, Viraj was found dead in the pool of blood in the room meanwhile Jhanak was found in a state of shock in the Kitchen and their caretaker, Dubey, was found dead on the roadside.
It is a short story of 36 pages, with some supernatural elements, which makes it interesting to read and keep you hooked through the story and maintain suspense till the last page. This story talks about some serious issues, for instance, marital rape, child abuse, and the effect of child abuse. This is a must-read book and especially good for beginners. One can quickly navigate from the first page to last page in a very short span of time.
What happened in the villa? Who has killed Viraj and Dubey? What happens with Jhanak? To know the answers to these questions you have to read the book first.
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