Mystery of the Urban Monks
Book Name: Mystery of the Urban Monks
Author: Vikram Singh
Genre: Fiction
"Mystery of the Urban Monk" by Vikram Singh is the story of three friends Krish, an IITian pursuing his entrepreneur's dream, Tony, a vodka craze-high school dropout, and Asif, a music-loving carpet-seller. The story was being narrated by Yogesh, aka Yogi, a meditation teacher, to John, a publisher and a fiction writer on a Varanasi trip. Krish, Tony, and Asif were very close friends and they decided to go on a Goa trip for a week. On their journey to Goa Tony meets a Psychic in Airplane, who told him that after returning from Goa their lives are going to change, but Tony didn't believe this. They reached Goa and enjoy their life to the fullest, but on their way to returning from Goa, their Airplane got Hijacked.
The language is beginner-friendly with an interesting plot. The book can be read in one to two sitting and will change your way to look towards life. I would recommend this book to those who are looking for something light yet inspirational to read. I chose this book due to the book title and I am glad I read this book.
Who is this Yogesh? Is Yogesh connected to the story? Is he one of the three friends? Is this story really fictional? Whether the life of three friends is really gonna change as the psychic said? Whether they will survive plane Hijack? What would be the effect of this hijack on their mind?
Do read this book once and don't forget to share your views in the comment section.