The Demons of Jaitraya

Book Name: The Demons of Jaitraya

Genre: Mythological Fiction

Author: Shubira Prasad

"The Demons of Jaitraya" by Shubira Prasad, is a mythological fiction based on The Ramayana, set in the 21st century. In the war of Ramayana, many demons escaped and went for hibernation, until Kalyug. So Lord Ram directed his devotee Hanuman that he should be on the earth till Kaluyg to save humanity from these demons. Hanuman then secretly created a Warfare Academy in which incarnation of various warriors from the past gets their training to fight with these demons. The main protagonist in this book is Aishani and Adheesh who are soulmates from the time of Ramayana and have taken many births in human form to kill these Demons. 

The book is fictional, and not at all retelling of the mythology, though the base has been taken from The Ramayana. The plot revolves around demons vs humans and the plot is thrilling as well as easy to comprehend. When we read any mythology fiction, then generally it contains the retelling of some parts of that mythology from a different point of view, which I like a lot, but sometimes this re-telling hurt the religious sentiments of the reader, but with this story that is not at all the issue. It has the perfect blend of mythology and fiction set in the contemporary world which makes it enjoyable. The only drawback which I faced while reading, was the printing issue that in two chapters there was a mixing of the pages due to which I was not able to comprehend anything and I have to ultimately skip that chapter. This is the first book of this trilogy and I am eagerly waiting for the next part of this book. I would suggest to mythological fiction lovers give it a try. 

Do read and Don't forget to share your views in the comment section. 


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