The Jamun Tree and Other Stories

Book Name: The Jamun Tree and Other Stories

Author: Richa Gupta

Genre: Short Stories

"The Jamun Tree and Other Stories" by Richa Gupta is an amalgamation of nineteen short stories based on this contemporary world presenting a wide variety of themes such as friendship, loss, pain, psychological disorder, bad politics, family feud, oppression of weaker sections of the society, extramarital relationship, patriarchal society and so on... Kudos to the author for weaving these short stories based on our day to day life, when you will read these short stories, then you will realise these are things which we see around ourselves, but we fail to notice these things which show that how insensible we are becoming day by day. The stories are very relatable and will give you a tinge of nostalgia, or sadness, or will tickle you in the stomach, or will break your heart. I loved all the short stories from this anthology, but my absolute favourites are The Interview, Reversal, Holiday Luncheon, Homecoming, and The cryptic Password. There is only one story, i.e. Crackdown, which I didn't like to read as I felt the story was draggy and there was lots of unnecessary information. I would recommend this book to every short story lover and to those who have just started or wants to start reading, the stories are quite easy and crisp, could be read as a bedtime short story. I am surely gonna re-read these stories in future. 


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