Book Name: Tulsi
Author: Himanshu Goel
Genre: Sci-Fiction
"Tulsi" by Himanshu Goel is an amazing and thrilling Sci - fiction story set in the future i.e. the Year 2053. It talks about Earth 2 where people are migrating from Earth 1 and setting up colonies and a deadly drug named Tulsi which is taking the lives of many people on Earth 1. The novel starts with the homicide case of Mr Chopra, who died due to an overdose of the drug. It's a science fiction novel showing lots of advances in science, for instance, our mobile can detect our heartbeat and can inform police if any mishap happens. The homicide case of Mr Chopra has been taken by detective Anisha Thakur. Anisha was quite surprised that this drug which has been banned 10 years ago has started resurfacing again and she wanted to know to catch the drug mafia, but what she doesn't know is that slaughter has been hired to kill her.
The novel is full of scientific advancement making it more engrossing and exciting to read. I completed the book in one sitting as the language was lucid, and the no of pages is under 200. I would suggest Sci-fiction lovers give this book a try and to beginners who just want to start reading in this genre, they should go for it. Now, I am eagerly waiting for the sequel of this book.
Whether Anisha would be able to catch the drug mafia? Whether she is going to die? What is going to be Anisha's fate? Where is this Earth 2? How people are migrating there and setting up colonies? To know the answer to these questions, you need to read the book first.
Do read and don't forget to share your views in the comment section.