Dawn of Magic
Book Name: Dawn of Magic
Genre: Fantasy
Author: Christopher Gorman
"Dawn of Magic" by Christopher Gorman, a Canadian writer is a fantasy novel revolving around Magic and Wizard world. The novel revolves around the protagonist, Aiden and his two friends, James and Keegan. The novel starts with Aiden having some weird dreams which follow up with headaches until he met a psychic, Keegan. One day something strange happens with Aiden and he finds himself in an underground cavern, where some people are present who call themselves Guardian. Soon afterwards, he comes to know that he is the first wizard, chosen by mother nature and born after 3000 years, to protect mother nature. He then also comes to know that his friends are also the wizards chosen by mother nature. The Guardians started to teach them that how to wield the magic and power present inside them to protect mother nature. But in the mid of their training, while he with his friends were on a secret adventure, about which Guardians didn't know, they met with their greatest enemy, who thought them to be the demons of Lucifer.
The novel is fast-paced combined with lucid language and an intriguing narration style which will keep you hooked throughout the novel. The novel is full of mystery and suspense, which will make an adrenaline rush inside you. The novel along with magic also talks about politics, technology, friendship, love, religion and trust. The author has successfully woven a fictional world of adventure, full of danger and excitement. I really enjoyed reading this novel and I would suggest this book to all the fantasy lovers out there. I am really excited to read the sequel of this book.
Do read to know that whether Aiden and his friends were able to save mother nature??