Tales from the Foxes of Foxham
"Tales from the Foxes of Foxham" by Matteo Sedazzari is a fantasy world created by the author where foxes, witches, dogs, etc live along with humans, they don't only live among us they can also speak like humans, walk on their hinder legs and most surprisingly they also work in various fields like military, police officer, banker, air force, navy and so on. The book also has some beautiful illustrations which make it more interesting to read and visualise the character in our mind. Being an animal lover, I immensely enjoyed reading this tale and I was mesmerized by the hard work of the author which reflects while reading that I didn't even realise for once also that it's all fiction, it was like real.
This book is perfect for children as well as adults. The language is lucid and the narration style is engaging. If I have to give one word to this tale, then I would say truly enchanting.