The Saga of Spy X13
Book Name: The Saga of Spy X13
Genre: Mystery
Author: Deepak Rosha
"The Saga of Spy X13" by Deepak Rosha starts with the reunion of two friends, who studied in the same school and were roommates too at St. Ferdinand, Pokey and Burp. The story then goes back to in flashback in 1965, when India and Pakistan were going to be at war. The school in which Pokey and Burp were studying, was too strict, I agreed with Pokey when he described the school as "Nazi's Concentration Camp". One day Burp received a letter from a detective named Spy X13 to accomplish some "missions", and X13 also told him to take someone else as his assistant was the missions were tough to handle alone. Burp took Pokey as his assistant and they both became the hands of Spy X13. Once they complete one mission, they get another letter informing them about the next mission. But who was this Spy X13 and how could he access their rooms to leave the letter in that strict environment?? Was he someone from students? Or someone from Fathers?
The language is quite simple and the narration is interesting. It will keep you hooked throughout the book and you could finish the book in one sitting. I enjoy reading this kind of book full of mystery and thrill. This is perfect for beginners to read. I would suggest all the detective readers give it a try. Talking about the cover of this book, then, the cover of this book is catchy, the sole reason for picking up this book is the cover and the title which intrigued me a lot.
Who is Spy X13? Why did he choose these two extremely introverted boys? What is the connection between this Spy X13 and the two boys? Is there any connection between this Spy X13 and the war going on between India and Pakistan? What is the mission which this Spy X13 wants to get accomplished by these two boys? Is the mission connected to the war between India and Pakistan?
To know the answer to these questions you have to read the book first. Do read and don't forget to share your views in the comment section.