Life in a Snippet

Book Name: Life in a Snippet

Genre: Nano Tales

Author: Anjali Hinger

"Life in a Snippet" By Anjali Hinger is true to his title, it is an amalgamation of scrupulously crafted 150 nano tales related to day to day life. The tales revolve around the theme of love, heartbreak, happiness, sorrow, hope, family, breakup, stranger, loneliness, friends, despair, solitude and so on. It's like you name it and you will find a tale related to that. The author has done a remarkable job, she had touched the heart of her readers with these tales, which although are nano tales but they convey a very deep meaning. 

I would like to share one of my favourite tales from the book:

"The sea loves the sky more than the sky loves it." she said as they watched the glorious dawn and the reflection of its pink-orange hues in the sea.
"Really?" He asked, bemused.
"Yes! See how the sea reflects every mood of the sky, just like someone who is utterly besotted and attuned to her beloved." She said, entwining her fingers with his, She whispered to herself, "Someone like me."


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