The Search
Book Name: The Search
Author: Vishal Anand
Genre: Murder Mystery
"The Search" by Vishal Anand is a murder mystery of a famous singer, musician, and composer, Mr. Roger Fetnandez and his whole entourage, which also included the daughter of a minister, Zoey, his singing partner. The case is being handled by ACP Rathore and he has four major suspects and all of them has a strong motive to kill Roger. The suspects are Roger's wife, Roger's manager, Deputy Chief Minister, and last but not least Roger's competitor, Savion. The story is fast-paced and gripping, although the story became a bit predictable in the end. I enjoyed reading the story, but I felt the ending could have been better than this. The language is lucid and the narration style is engaging. I would suggest this book to beginners and to those who are looking for something light to read.