The Horn's Hoax: The Forbidden Instrument
Book Name: The Horn's Hoax
Genre: Fantasy
Author: Hector Cantu Kalifa
"The Horn's Hoax: The Forbidden Instrument" by Hector Cantu Kalifa is a fictional fantasy novel revolving around two brothers Henry and Morris. This is the first book of Horn's hoax series. The story is a blend of Myths, fiction, Fantasy, Magic, and Thrill. The story starts with Henry looking for his father, who is missing. No one knows, where his father is and why he disappeared anonymously. One day when, Henry along with Morris, his mother and sister went for a family vacation in a cabin which was located in a forest. There something strange happened and Henry and Morris found Horns, and they both reached different universe, Dantus a magical World. How did this happen? What will happen now with both of them? How are they actually? Where their father is? Who is their father? Lots of questions and only one answer, go read the book. The story is amazing and exciting. The language of the book is lucid and engaging. The story is best for teenagers and beginners. I would recommend this book to all magic lovers. I am eagerly waiting for the second part of this series.