Stepping into their Shoes

Book Name: Stepping into Their Shoes

Author: Nitin Saharan

"Stepping into their Shoes" by Nitin Saharan is a collection of ten short stories based on real-life experiences. The author has talked to several people and then written down their life experiences so that young adults can learn, get inspiration, and most importantly, realize that the world is a beautiful place to live... Live it to the fullest, enjoy every moment, and also make an effort to make it good for others. The stories in the books are:

  • Be Human: Help yourself - Stay motivated
  • Be Positive, Negativity is Harmful: It's the attitude that takes you where you are
  • The habit of being a perfectionist: Make habits your slave, Don't become a slave to habits
  • Nature understands only affirmative lines: Attract what you want
  • Find your hidden talent: Nourish your creative instinct
  • Me time: A miraculous way to transform your life
  • Be happy for what you are blessed with: Look at your plate
  • Nurture your wise point of view: An individual point of view
  • Follow your intuitions: Avoid being prey to the circumstances all the time
  • Find your innovative solution: Sometimes leaving it to the child within you
The stories are motivating and it will definitely teach you something or the other. The language is beginner friendly and I would suggest this book to beginners and teenagers.  'Be Positive, Negativity is Harmful: It's the attitude that takes you where you are', 'Nature understands only affirmative lines: Attract what you want', 'Find your hidden talent: Nourish your creative instinct', and 'Find your innovative solution: Sometimes leaving it to the child within you' are my favourites of all the ten stories. 


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